“…theodicy has a useful purpose nowadays. For those who might not know, theodicy is expressed by the question, if God is good and all...
Spiritual and Material
“… that the whole tendency to differentiate material, secular, or natural things, on the one hand; from supernatural, spiritual, divine...
Love and Knowledge
“Knowledge is power and love is the aim; when they go hand in hand we have a wonderful result. ‘Knowledge puffs up whereas love builds...
Esoteric Knowledge
“There is something enticing about secrets. In our time, spiritualism, theosophy, New Age spirituality, and the occult claim hidden...
Quotes of the Day for September 22, 2023 – Thoughts on the danger of misguided piety “You will surely say this proverb to Me, ‘Physician,...
Love and Sin
“ ‘Love covers a multitude of sins (1 Peter 4:8)…Love is the barometer by which Christ will judge our lives. Sin is not only doing wrong....
“We are captivated by the “surface” of things, failing to see what lies beneath. It causes us to be anxious and driven by things of...
“…we see in Paul’s words, “Scripture confined all under sin” (Galatians 3:22). The Greek word “confined” comes from the root “to shut up...
“The miracles of Christ are a sign that God’s Kingdom is breaking into this world, or perhaps more accurately, that this world is related...
“It can be tempting to think that not much can be expected spiritually of people like us who live in the world with our families,...