Heart (Cold-hearted)
“In our culture, if someone spoke about coldness of the heart, we would likely describe it as an emotional issue, and dismiss it or...
“Though our secular society believes in the unseen forces of “dark matter,” “black holes,” and the “solar wind,” it denies the invisible...
“From the beginning, Jesus Christ, the incarnate Word of God declared war on the devil and on hypocrisy….Christ declared open war against...
Comfort and Suffering
“Our God is “the Father of mercies and God of all comfort” according to St Paul – a wonderful image of our Creator. The God of comforts...
“People can memorize huge portions of Scripture, read the Bible from cover to cover a dozen times, learn all of the intricacies of...
“St Paul notes that he dies to himself daily in order to serve the Lord Jesus. He is, of course, speaking in a spiritual sense about...
God (With or Without)
“Precisely because of the excision of God from our life, or at least the marginalization of him, we’ve become convinced that everything’s...
Service and Others
“Called by Isaiah “the just One who serves many well” (Is 53:11), Christ reveals through His life and teaching the high calling of...
“All truth is God’s truth, wherever it is found. This is explicated well by both St. Basil…and also by St. Justin Martyr in his doctrine...