Needful (One Needful Thing)
“Remember, if we are going to have the one thing needful to offer contemporary America, it must be the witness of lives being changed,...
Questions (Wrong Questions)
“Christ promises to be present and make Himself known to us. When we spend time with each other, developing our relationship, we no...
“What is the problem with a reliance on self-discipline (Colossians 2:23)? Whatever is self-imposed does not derive from God. Rather, it...
“…studies have shown that caregivers endure high levels of stress both emotional and physical. The hardships are often financial as well....
Worth and Worthiness
“Due to significantly painful experiences, we may even lose trust in God. Many struggle to make sense of the trials and tribulations in...
Pain (Emotional)
“Our minds seek to release and resolve emotional pain. God created us this way. We have a natural leaning towards healing that which is...
Love (Wrong and Right Kind)
“Our spiritual struggle is not only a choice between good and evil, but between God and self (or self-centeredness). The choice is...
Reaching Out
“…our own sometimes shaky self-esteem, neediness, and failure to believe that we are really unique in the eyes of God often prevent us...