"Organized Religion"
“Social scientists have been telling us that people are more and more interested in being spiritual, and less and less interested in...
Judgment Seat of Christ
“What is the meaning of Jesus’ statement “I do not judge anyone”? [John 8:15] It is clear that Jesus did judge (even in the next verse)...
“One thing is for sure, the Holy Spirit, “who is everywhere and fills all things” hates limitations. If you doubt it, just test Him, for...
Encountering God/Christ
“Reading the Scriptures, studying the church fathers, attending worship, praying, and meditating are all good and godly things. But they...
“Even if we cannot find much assistance in a culture of self-indulgence, comfort and luxury, finding little help from others, at least “I...
“The opposite of death is not life; Life has no opposite. The opposite of death is birth…In Christ, our death becomes a birth into a new,...
Contagious Faith
“Sin remains an affront to the holy God. It alienates us from God again as if Christ had not reconciled us to our Creator. So it puts us...
Begotten/ "Only Begotten"
“For this is the way God loved the world: He have His one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in Him will not perish but have...