Storms of Life
“To the Hebrews, the sea was a frightening place, full of chaos and death. To be cast into the sea was to sink down into Hades…God is the...
Born Again
“Salvation, then, is more than forgiveness of sins, more than a mental acceptance of Christ and His teachings. For in salvation we are...
Love Thy Neighbor
“The standard of judgment is uncalculated mercy toward others. The works produced by faith are emphasized, for saving faith always...
Control (Worry and Anxiety)
“…because we did not let go, because we did not surrender to God, because we did not or could not accept our lack of control in the...
Anger and Resentment
“Some people do not allow themselves to experience or process anger, even in an appropriate way, because of shame. Shame can make us feel...
Life's Events
“Events of life have a way of taking us unaware. Something catches us up and overwhelms us at the time. We reflect many times afterward...
“Behold, thou art made whole; sin no more.” [John 5:14] Experience proves that sins and passions destroy the health of the soul and the...
Thoughts and Feelings
“The abstraction that we call “thinking,” etc., in the contemporary world is a diminishment of what it means to be human. We have learned...