“…St. Paul refers to the “human condition”... He states, “you… were once were alienated and enemies [of God] in your mind by wicked...
“The story of ‘the Fall’ is the story of human self-will: we like to do what we want regardless of how our relationships or others are...
“Zeal without knowledge is damaging and dangerous. A little knowledge can be worse than complete ignorance, especially when we become...
Wisdom (and Information)
“…there are two kinds of wisdom. One is the insight that comes from human rationality. This kind of reasoning is limited to reaching...
“Sloth may seem like a trivial fault compared with sins against the Ten Commandments or impure thoughts and atrocious deeds. But...
God's Omniscience (God Seeing and Knowing All)
“Our daily activities may bring us blessing but also condemnation, for God’s gaze is directed deep into our hearts. God sees what men can...
Ontology (Being or Non-Being)
“For God had made man…and had willed that he should remain in incorruption. But men, having turned from the contemplation of God to evil...
“God places man in a garden of paradise “to tend and keep it” (Genesis 2:15), honoring him with the gift of free will…“He desired that...
“Conquest is an evil productive of almost every other evil both to those who commit and to those who suffer it.” (C.S. Lewis) “The Lord...
“A Japanese proverb says that “Without wisdom, knowledge is just a pile of books on the hind end of a donkey.” In the same vein, can we...