Spiritual Warfare and Standing Fast
“Who among us has not faltered and taken a wrong step? How often do we let pain or troubles steal our peace in Christ?...a multitude of...
Love (Sacrificial)
“Let us enlarge the hope within us by our feeble efforts to keep the commandment to love. Like infants, we mimic our loving Father and...
“What does it mean to wait? Is it just a matter of killing time until our hope is realized? Like a child who is bored on a rainy day,...
Strength (Self-Reliance)
“…the people of God did not fight with the hand or weapons so much as with the voice and tongue, that is, they poured forth prayer to...
“Man-centered ritualism is deadly….Ascetic practices—prayer, fasting, almsgiving—are taught by God (Matthew 6), but enemies lie along...
Anger (at/toward God)
“The evening of my wife’s death I was driving my son, Timothy, to buy a blazer for the funeral. In the darkness of the moving car I said,...
“After we have repented of our sins, renounced our wickedness, and have been purified by baptism, we turn back to the eternal light, as...
“James 5:16 draws the contrast to such Spiritless worship and prayer: “The effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much.”...
Attention (Seeking It)
“…the Body of Christ is composed of many members. Like the parts of the body, these members serve different functions. And, in fact, as...